Welcome to the UNIWeb Help Centre
UNIWeb is a research productivity software designed to increase the productivity of both staff and faculty members at research institutions. This enterprise level solution provides a secure and private network for researchers to connect, collaborate and compile their academic information.
To get started, choose a chapter below, or browse through topics within chapters on the left side of the page. If you're looking for help on a specific topic, you can search the help centre using the search tool at the top right of the page.
Navigating UNIWeb
Get a broad overview of how the different parts of UNIWeb fit together, and how different areas of UNIWeb are referenced within these help guides.
Navigating UNIWebUNIWeb Accounts
This chapter covers the spectrum of account management and access control in UNIWeb. Learn about how to create your own UNIWeb account, or how to create and manages UNIWeb accounts for your colleagues. Learn how academic units inform the structure of your UNIWeb network, and how administrator permissions and roles in UNIWeb allow for fine-tuned administration of the network.
UNIWeb AccountsYour Academic Information
Learn the ins and outs of using UNIWeb to manage your academic curriculum vitae, a format that is based on and compatible with the Canadian Common CV (CCV) standard. You can use your UNIWeb CV both to apply for funding opportunities on the CCV website, and to create beautiful pre-formatted CV and annual report documents for your institution, with just a couple clicks.
Your Academic InformationNetworking on UNIWeb
Managing your professional academic information is just one part of what makes UNIWeb a powerful platform for academic institutions - UNIWeb isn't just a tool, it's a network built by your own colleagues to collaborate, share resources, and foster meaningful research connections! Learn how you can easily curate your existing academic information to create a public profile and establish your presence on your institution's UNIWeb network.
Networking on UNIWebAcademic Metrics
Administrators, UNIWeb can help you keep a finger on the pulse of your academic unit - learn how to use UNIWeb's metrics tools to gain various insights on how your academic unit is performing overall. UNIWeb offers robust visualization tools, as well as the ability to download raw data in spreadsheet form so that you can visualize your academic unit's data however you like best.
Academic MetricsCustomizing UNIWeb
No two research institutions are exactly alike, and so UNIWeb doesn't need to be a one-size-fits-all solution. UNIWeb is a white-label service that can be customized extensively to meet the needs of its users. Explore some of the possibilities here.
Customizing UNIWebLast updated