Managing Academic Units

In UNIWeb, the hierarchy of academic units defines the overall structure of the network. This hierarchy begins with the institution itself - the top-level academic unit - which breaks down into smaller academic units, and these academic units may themselves break down into smaller academic units. To help illustrate this hierarchy, UNIWeb refers to academic units differently depending on their relationship to other units:

Smaller academic units are nested into a parent unit.

Parent units are composed of smaller sub-units.

Regardless of their position in the institution's hierarchy, academic units are further categorized by their unit type: faculties, departments, programs, offices, or any other classification as required by the institution.

Accordingly, every academic unit has a name, a unit type and a parent unit. See the following example:

Unit Name

Unit Type

Parent Unit




Department of Fine Arts


Department of Fine Arts


Faculty of Arts


Faculty of Arts


UNIWeb University


UNIWeb University


[no parent]

Every institution's hierarchy of academic units is unique, and so academic units and unit types can be created, edited, and deleted in UNIWeb as necessary to reflect the structure of your institution as it grows.

On this page:

Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role that includes the following permissions:

  • Edit academic units

With this set of permissions, a user may create new academic units only within the academic unit associated with their administrator role.

If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.

  1. From your UNIWeb Administrator page, go to Academic Units.

  2. In the right panel, click the Add a new unit button.

  3. In the Add a new unit dialog, fill in the academic unit information data entry form. Fields that are marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

  4. Optional: if necessary, click the multilingual toggle next to the data entry fields where applicable to add unit information in a second language.

  5. Click Save.

When setting up your UNIWeb network for the first time, you may need to add many new academic units at once. You can create academic units in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet into UNIWeb that includes information for all of the academic units that you would like to add. UNIWeb will scan the spreadsheet for academic units that already exist in the network, and so you can maintain and upload a single spreadsheet numerous times without creating duplicates.

Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role that includes the following permissions:

  • Edit academic units

With this set of permissions, a user may create new academic units only within the academic unit associated with their administrator role.

If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.

Creating an academic unit spreadsheet

To get your academic unit spreadsheet started, you can download a template spreadsheet that’s already formatted properly for UNIWeb's requirements.

The template spreadsheet includes all of the accepted academic unit information fields that can be used when creating an academic unit spreadsheet. An example record is listed below; entries marked with an asterisk are mandatory:


Unit Name*

Parent Unit*

French Name

URL Name





Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Science

Ingénierie Électrique




Best practices for building your spreadsheet:

  • The order of the columns does not matter.

  • Each row corresponds to one academic unit.

  • Empty rows are ignored

  • If a row provides the same unit name of an existing academic unit in the system, the row will be ignored (this is how UNIWeb screens for duplicate entries).

  • Columns that UNIWeb does not recognize will cause an error.

Uploading your spreadsheet to UNIWeb

  1. From your UNIWeb Administration page, go to Academic Units.

  2. In the right panel, click Add units from a file

  3. In the Add new units dialog, click Choose File, and locate your academic units spreadsheet on your computer.

  4. Click Submit.

Tip: If you enter a type or parent unit that does not exist in the network, you will receive an error message. This will describe the error, indicate where it is located in your spreadsheet and provide you with a list of suitable replacements. If your spreadsheet contains any blank fields that are mandatory or columns that UNIWeb does not recognize, you will receive a similar error.

Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role within the subject’s academic unit that includes the following permissions:

  • Edit academic units

If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.

  1. From your UNIWeb Administration page, go to Academic Units.

  2. In the centre panel, locate and click on the academic unit that you would like to edit.

  3. Click Edit to the right of the Unit Information heading.

  4. Add to or edit the academic unit information in the Unit Information data entry form as needed.

  5. Optional: if necessary, click the multilingual toggle next to the data entry fields where applicable to add unit information in a second language.

  6. Click Save.

Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role within the subject’s academic unit that includes the following permissions:

  • Edit academic units

If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.

  1. From your UNIWeb Administration page, go to Academic Units.

  2. In the centre panel, locate and click on the checkbox to the right of the academic unit(s) that you would like to delete.

  3. In the right panel, click Delete selected.

  4. In the Delete selected units dialog, confirm that you have selected the correct academic units.

  5. Click Delete.

Note: If there are any UNIWeb members who have the academic unit that you are trying to delete listed as their primary academic unit, you will first need to assign those members to other academic units, otherwise UNIWeb will not allow you to delete that academic unit.

Unit types categorize academic units, and serve to make searching and filtering for particular academic units easier. Common unit types are faculty, department, or office, but you can add new unit types as needed to properly reflect the structure of your institution.

Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role within the subject’s academic unit that includes the following permissions:

  • Edit academic units

If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.

  1. From your UNIWeb Administration page, go to Academic Units.

  2. In the right panel, click Add a unit type.

  3. In the Create and academic unit type dialog, enter a name for your new academic unit type.

  4. Optional: if necessary, click the multilingual toggle next to the data entry field to add the unit type name in a second language.

  5. Click Save.

Academic unit information fields

Data entry field



The name of the academic unit.


The academic unit’s unit type.

Parent Unit

The higher level unit that contains this unit. For example, if a Faculty of Engineering academic unit contains the Department of Electrical Engineering academic unit, the Faculty of Engineering is considered the parent unit.

URL Name

You can define how you would like the end of the URL to appear in the public Members page, when filtering the list of members that by that academic unit. It must be lowercase and contain no spaces. For example, for the Faculty of Engineering, you could define the URL Name as faculty-of-engineering, and it would appear in UNIWeb as .


A link to the main website for this academic unit - it can be a website that is external from UNIWeb. This webpage will be linked through the academic unit’s name on its dedicated page in the Members section of UNIWeb.

Public Visibility

Whether you would like this academic unit to appear in the public version of your UNIWeb network. If this checkbox is deselected, the academic unit will only be visible to members who are logged in to the UNIWeb network.


The hexadecimal colour value that will represent this academic unit in research connection maps. If you do not define a colour value for an academic unit, it will inherit the colour of its parent unit.

Default CV Template

Last updated

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