Through various sources such as journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and newspaper and magazine articles, your publications make up the bulk of the contributions listed on your academic CV.
UNIWeb offers streamlined data entry forms to create records of your publications as per Canadian Common CV standards, but you can also import records of your publications directly from various sources that may already have them listed, such as PubMed, EndNote, BibTex, and Google Scholar.
On this page:
Adding publications manually
From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Publications.
Locate the section for the type of publication that you would like to add. You can click on a section listed in the left panel to navigate directly to that section.
In the centre panel, click the Add button to the right of the section title to add a new record, or click the Edit button to the right of an existing record to modify it.
Add or edit information in the data entry form as needed.
Click Save.
Best practice: Because the information that you enter will likely be used to create an exported report, or will be included in a future funding application, it’s best to be as thorough as possible as you create new records to avoid having to fill in the blanks later.
Tip: if you’re trying to find a particular record to edit, you can search for it by pressing Command+F (Mac) or CTRL+F (Windows) in your web browser while on the Publications page. Your publications are displayed on a single page, and so all of your publications are searchable at once.
Importing publications
UNIWeb can import publications from using XML files from EndNote, BibTex, and Google Scholar, and by using PubMed’s PMIDs.
Tip: UNIWeb automatically detects and disregards duplicates, and so you don’t need to worry about tracking which publications you have already imported.
From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Publications.
Click Import Publications in the right panel.
Select the source of the publications you would like to import: BibTeX, Google Scholar, EndNote, or PubMed, and click Next.
If you are importing publications from BibTeX, Google Scholar, or EndNote, click Choose File and locate the relevant file in your computer.
If you are importing publications from PubMed, type the PubMed Identifiers of the articles you would like to import into the text box.
Optional: if you are importing publications from BibTeX, Google Scholar, or EndNote, select Check Author if you would like UNIWeb to import only the publications for which you are credited as the author or editor.
Click Load.
Deleting publications
From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Publications.
Locate the publication record that you would like to delete, and click the Edit button to the right of the record.
At the bottom right of the data entry form, click Delete.
Tip: if you’re trying to find a particular record to edit, you can search for it by pressing Command+F (Mac) or CTRL+F (Windows) in your web browser while on the Publications page. Your publications are displayed on a single page, and so all of your publications are searchable at once.
Finding and removing duplicate publications
UNIWeb has built-in duplicate detection features that will identify duplicates as you import new records from various sources, but it's still possible for duplicates to occur from time to time, either by inadvertently adding a duplicate record manually, or in the event that two records of the same publication from different sources might be just different enough to bypass UNIWeb's duplicate detection on import.
For these scenarios, UNIWeb includes an advanced duplicate detection feature that you can run even when you're not importing new information. This feature can scan your publications to identify duplicates across multiple parameters, ensuring that even if some parts of the duplicate records are slightly different, they can still be identified by other markers.
Scanning for duplicate publications
From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Publications.
In the right panel, click Identify Duplicates.
In the Find Duplicates dialog, select the parameters that you would like UNIWeb to use to identify duplicate entries.
Click Find.
In the Duplicate detection results dialog, UNIWeb will organize duplicate entries together to easily idenitfy which elements are common between them.
Deleting duplicate publications
After completing the procedure above, in the Duplicate detection results dialog, click the checkbox next to any duplicates that you would like to delete.
Click Delete selected.
Duplicate detection parameters
With same title
Look for duplicates that have matching titles (this cannot be deselected).
In same section
Mark records with matching titles as duplicates only when they are both listed within the same section - newspaper articles, book reviews, or reports, for instance.
With same year
Mark records with matching titles as duplicates only when they are listed as having been published in the same year.
With same month
Mark records with matching titles as duplicates only when they are listed as having been published in the same month.
Last updated
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