Membership Information

Your membership information serves two important purposes in UNIWeb:

  • Your membership information is displayed at the top of your public profile, allowing other UNIWeb members to contextualize your position within your institution and contact you using methods that you prefer.

  • Parts of your membership information, like your account type and position title, will affect both your discoverability within UNIWeb and the information fields that are available for you to fill out on your public profile.

On this page:

Editing your membership information

  1. From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Profile.

  2. In the centre panel, to the right of your name, click Edit.

  3. Add to or edit your account information in the data entry form as needed.

  4. Click Save.

Note: As a general UNIWeb member, you can change all of your account information except for your account type, as this field can affect several areas of UNIWeb. If you need to change your account type, contact a system administrator for your academic unit.

Changing your account email address

By default, the email address that was used to create your UNIWeb account is automatically listed within your membership information, and thus on your public profile. If you would prefer, you can change or remove the email address that is publicly listed in your membership information, or you can set a private email address to use to log in to your account and receive system email alerts.

Change your public email address

  1. From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Profile.

  2. In the centre panel, to the right of your name, click Edit.

  3. Change or remove your email address in the Email data entry field.

  4. Click Save.

Set a private email address to manage your account

Before you begin: if your institution has integrated their UNIWeb network with an existing single sign-on (SSO) service, the following procedure will only affect the email address that UNIWeb uses to send you system email alerts. You will continue to log in to your account using your institution's SSO credentials.

  1. From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Profile.

  2. In the right panel, click Set private email address.

  3. In the Set private email address dialog, enter a new email address. Your current email address will be displayed to the left of the text entry field.

  4. Click Save.

Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role within the subject’s academic unit that includes the following permissions:

  • Edit member information

If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.

  1. From your UNIWeb Administration page, go to Members.

  2. In the centre panel, locate and click on the name of the UNIWeb member whose account information you would like to edit. You will be taken to their profile page.

  3. In the centre panel on the UNIWeb member’s profile page, to the right of their name, click Edit.

  4. Add to or edit their account information in the data entry form as needed.

  5. Click Save

Membership information fields

Account information field


First Name

The UNIWeb Member’s first name.

Middle Name

The UNIWeb Member’s middle name.

Last Name

The UNIWeb Member’s last name.

Account Type

Account types broadly categorize the roles of UNIWeb members at their institution. Professors will have different needs than students or lecturers, and so the account type chosen will affect the sections that are displayed on the UNIWeb member’s public profile. For example, a professor’s profile will have a section to list the graduate students that he or she supervises, whereas a graduate student’s profile will have a section to list their supervisor.

The available account types are as follows:

  • Administrator

  • Alumnus

  • Doctoral Student

  • Industrial Partner

  • Invited Professor

  • Lecturer Librarian

  • Master’s student

  • Postdoctoral Fellow

  • Professor

  • Research Assistant

  • Research Associate

  • Researcher

  • Teaching associate

  • Webmaster

Position Title

Position titles more specifically categorize roles of UNIWeb members within their institutions. A member whose account type is Professor may have the position title of Assistant, Associate, or Adjunct Professor, for example, though some account types only have one position title available.

This affects certain areas of UNIWeb:

  • A user’s position title will affect the sections that are available on their public profile. For example, a professor’s profile will have a section to list the grad students that he or she supervises, whereas a student’s profile will have a section to list their supervisor.

  • Position titles are used throughout UNIWeb for filtering data. For example, narrowing down results in Research Places to only display doctoral students.

Academic Unit

Academic units designate a UNIWeb member’s academic affiliation to a faculty or department. When creating a user’s account, a primary academic affiliation must be indicated. Administrators can also add members to secondary units, called cross-appointments, at a later time.


The UNIWeb member’s email address.


A username that a UNIWeb member can use logging in to their UNIWeb account instead of an email address. If a username isn’t filled in when creating a new UNIWeb account, the user’s email is used as their username instead. This cannot be changed later.


A link to the UNIWeb Member’s primary website outside of UNIWeb.


The UNIWeb member’s telephone number.


The UNIWeb member’s office address.

Last updated

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