When a new member joins UNIWeb, their account is given a primary academic unit affiliation. This, along with their position title, defines their relationship and rank within the institution.
Members can be associated with secondary academic units as well, called cross-appointments. Cross-appointments reflect the real-world appointments of those members, or cross-appointees, to faculties and departments outside of their primary unit, while also allowing administrators with the permissions over the secondary unit to access the member’s data, download reports, help the user reset their password, and otherwise treat the cross-appointee as a full member of that unit. A UNIWeb member can have only one primary academic unit, but may have multiple secondary units listed as cross-appointments.
You can find a UNIWeb member's primary unit at the very top of their profile page, next to their name and title, while their cross appointments are listed lower on their profile, in the Current Appointments section.
UNIWeb members can add or remove their own cross appointments as necessary through their public profile, but only administrators can change a UNIWeb member's primary academic unit. See our article on Editing Account Information to learn how to change a UNIWeb member’s primary academic unit.
On this page:
Adding a cross-appointment to your UNIWeb account
You can add a cross-appointment to your own UNIWeb account to reflect any appointments outside of your main academic unit. Cross-appointments are listed and managed in your profile, under the Current Appointments heading.
From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Profile.
In the centre panel, navigate to the Current Appointments section, and click the Add button to the right of the section title.
Add or edit information in the Current Appointments data entry form as needed.
Click Save.
Editing or deleting a cross appointment from your UNIWeb account
From your UNIWeb Home page, go to Profile.
In the centre panel, navigate to the Current Appointments section, and click the Edit button next to the cross-appointment you would like to modify.
Edit information in the Current Appointments data entry form as needed.
Click Save to save your changes, or Delete to remove the cross-appointment from your account.
As an administrator, you can add a UNIWeb member to your academic unit as a cross-appointee. This will add a secondary academic unit to their account, and will allow administrators in the cross-appointed unit to perform administrative tasks on behalf of the cross-appointee.
Before you begin: to add a UNIWeb member to a secondary academic unit, you must have an administrator role within that secondary academic unit. The administrator role must include the following permissions:
Edit academic units
Edit member information
If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.
From your UNIWeb Administrator page, go to Academic Units.
In the centre panel, locate and click on the academic unit to which you would like to add a member as a cross-appointee.
In the Unit Information page, navigate to the Cross Appointees section, and click the Add button to the right of the section title.
In the Cross Appointees page, in the Member drop-down list, locate and click on the UNIWeb member whom you would like to add as a cross-appointee.
Click Save.
If you have permissions over both of the academic units involved in the cross appointment (the UNIWeb member's primary unit, and the secondary unit to which you have added them as a cross-appointee), UNIWeb will permit the appointment immediately.
If you do not have an administrator role in the UNIWeb member's primary unit, UNIWeb will ask them to confirm or deny the appointment. The new cross appointee will be listed on the academic unit's administration page under ‘Cross-appointees’ with a Pending tag next to their name, to show that the member has yet to confirm their appointment. If they confirm the appointment, the Pending tag will be removed, and the cross-appointment will appear on the cross-appointee's profile page, in the Current Appointments section.
As an administrator, you can remove a cross-appointee from your academic unit. This will remove the secondary academic unit from their account, and will remove administrative access to their data for administrators in the secondary unit.
Before you begin: this procedure requires an administrator role within the subject’s academic unit that includes the following permissions:
Edit academic units
Edit member information
If you have not been assigned a role with the permissions listed above, and believe that you should be able to perform this task within your academic unit, please contact your system administrator.
From your UNIWeb Administrator page, go to Academic Units.
In the centre panel, locate and click on the academic unit from which you would like to remove a cross-appointee.
In the Unit Information page, navigate to the Cross Appointees section, and click the Edit button to the right of the member you would like to remove.
In the Cross Appointees page, click Delete.
Last updated
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